I enjoy following patterns. I enjoy giving myself over to someone else's vision by every knit and purl. It is fun and exciting to see what results and to be able to fall in love with a creation. That said, I also want to be the designer. I want to know that I have given someone else joy by the simple act of them following the combination of knits, purls, and yarn overs I devised. I want to know that I am capable of creating a new knitted accessory or garment from start to finish. And I have found just the venue to push me and inspire me. (Hmmm...I just realized there is a theme of inspiration around here lately.)
Cue inspiration...."
Project Yarnway." This is a ravelery group whose prime mission is to get both professional and amateur (that's me) designers designing. Yes, it is a contest after the heart of its namesake, Project Runway (which is a fabulous show if you must know), but I am honestly not in this for the contest aspect. As an honest person I must say it would be nice to win, but I am really interested in the reward of the process itself. I am interested in the reward of being able to call myself a designer. Each month will have its own themed challenge that requires me to create a new design from inseption to finished peice by the end of the month.
Cue February's theme..."Stash Happy." In the month of February my mission is to create a design that expresses who I am as a designer using only yarn, needles, notions, etc. that I already own. Lucky for me I have an abundant stash and supply of knitting paraphenalia (yes, knitting is my own personal drug).
Wish me luck and I will keep you posted on the progress.