Friday, July 30, 2010

Oregon Coast Refreshment

Have I told you how much I love the Oregon Coast?  I am not sure there is a better place to relax, unwind, and watch a sunset.  So Mark and I were ecstatic to enjoy a well earned vacation that included one night in Portland (seriously one of my favorite cities) and five nights camping on the coast near Cannon Beach.  We imbibed in a few of the plethora of micro-breweries and wineries in Portland and along the coast, investigated some of the great gardens or Portland, enjoyed walking gorgeous beaches, watching breathtaking sunsets (really aren't they all in their own way), and sitting by the campfire.  It was the perfect break.


Friday, July 16, 2010

Photo review

In light of the fact that I have been MIA lately I thought it would be easiest to update with a little photo anthology of the last few weeks.  Between being gone nearly every weekend and trying to work my butt off (literally) for the Biggest Loser competition I feel like I am hardly home which equals to little to no time to blog.

First rose of the summer.

A chilly 4th of July.

A crazy storm while camping.

With the necessary campfire.

Gorgeous campsite views.

And very tired pups.